Thursday, February 10

Behind the Scenes Set Up with Montage Collective

It was an early start for all involved but the adrenalin and excitement was running high.

A momentus occasion. The outside sign going up! Our stamp on Freo

Here are a few behind the scenes pictures! more to come!

This was taken just after our sponsor SHOP FOR SHOPS visited with their
beautiful shop fittings to help us create a boutique shopping environment

It's coming together!

After 5 long hours and many helping hands the shop was together and
ready for opening night at 6pm!

A special thank you has to go out to Pandasnap Photography.
I don't know how many photographers would get their hands dirty to help!
Thank you!

City of Fremantle
Bowra Signs and Graffix
The Montage Team
All our families and friends for their input!
(And putting up with us!)